Jan 12Liked by AlmostMongolian

Thanks for the write-up! Which of the stocks that you currently own do you have the highest conviction in and why? Appreicate any feedback.

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You can look at my latest article or my portfolio Page. I have most conviction on the largest positions and I have written full articles on those biggest positions to explain why.

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Thank you very much for this article!

If you are interested in commodities, I invite you to read the quarterly reports of Goehring & Rozencwajg. I find them very interesting. You can read the last one here : https://4043042.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/4043042/Content%20Offers/2023.Q3%20Commentary/2023.Q3%20GR%20Market%20Commentary.pdf

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I have read some of them in the past. I will look into the one you linked. Thanks.

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Well done, thank you.

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